Replacing the handles on the bag


Nowadays, buying a new handbag is very simple. A huge selection from expensive leather to inexpensive textile. But there are situations when it is very a pity to abandon your favorite bag just because its handles have deteriorated, and in the repair workshop it is advised to throw it away. Then you should arm yourself with tools and patience. And repair the bag with your own hands. So, here is our client. Very original, although made of leatherette.

The main thing is to choose the material that is suitable for the original in color and texture. This bag was lucky. We found shafts of old Finnish boots made of genuine leather in a suitable color. Handles made of genuine leather will last several years, and most likely, alas, survive the bag itself. We determine the length and cut the workpiece of the desired size. There will be four of them. Two for the top of the handle and two for the bottom. The top blanks should be 4 cm on each side longer than the bottom blanks. We cut the skin with a cutter on a wooden board with the help of an iron ruler, having previously drawn a pattern on the mezdra (the inside of the skin).

There are different models of pens. It is imperative to consider which bag we are repairing. In this case, a summer handbag, with jewelry, is designed for excursions and does not involve heavy loads. Therefore, the handles can be performed very simply by connecting the lower and upper parts butt. If it is assumed that the bag is sometimes very seriously loaded, you need to make stronger handles and use a different model and technology. Now we need to firmly connect the upper and lower parts. We use ordinary double-sided tape. It will give strength to the product and facilitate the stitching process.

It is necessary to select the threads matching the color.

Now we attach to each other the parts glued together by adhesive tape. We do it carefully, without rushing, so that the line looks perfect. The final result will depend on this. Sew the blanks around the perimeter. We melt the knots with a lighter, then the line will not open. The photo clearly shows fused nodules.

Leather is sewn on special machines. Household machines often refuse to sew leather (they do not promote the material, the gear rack scratches it from the bottom). Therefore, it is better to first try on a small piece of how your machine will react. I sewed these pens very easily, my Janome was supportive this time. And if he doesn’t want to ... right, let's make it! I tell you a very useful secret: ANY MACHINE SEWS AND LEATHER ... (only to anyone) ... you just need to lightly grease the skin on both sides with cream, you can use hand cream. By the way, Podolsky manual machines and old women Singer sew such materials well, and without any cream!
We insert one end of the workpiece into the bag’s ring, bend it and sew it on the typewriter end-to-end, even twice. If the presser’s foot does not allow stitching so close, then we sew everything from beginning to end, and then we unclench the rings slightly and put the handles on them. Friend help is needed here.

We repeat the procedure 3 more times, and the bag is like new!


Watch the video: Easy way to fix ribbed bag handles (October 2024).