Felt phone case


Today it is difficult to find a person who does not have a mobile phone. These little helpers have firmly entered our life, and are not going to leave it in the near future. In order for the phone to serve for a long time, it must be protected. Upon purchase, we are offered to additionally purchase a phone case. But, for example, I never liked those works of design thought that are presented in stores.
I wanted something original, unlike similar products. And a way out was found! I started to sew felt covers. A few years ago, decorative felt appeared on the market. This greatly expanded the capabilities of those who like to do something with their own hands. In addition, thanks to the special properties of this fabric, even an inexperienced person can easily create an exclusive accessory.
So let's get started.
You will need a colored felt, scissors, ruler, thread, needle, mobile phone.
Select several sheets of color felt 1-1.5 mm thick.

To make the case fit perfectly, measure the phone. It is necessary to take measurements of the length, width and height of the device. I got the following data: length - 12cm, width - 6cm, height - 0.5cm.

Write down the measurements, they will come in handy later.
Now you need to decide on the application on the product. As a material, felt is good because it does not crumble. You can work with it like with paper. Cut with scissors and sew or glue to the surface. Using this property, you can easily embody any pattern in felt. However, for starters, I recommend practicing simple applications.
I chose the hearts. It is necessary to cut 3 different-sized hearts from felt of bright colors. First you need to make a pattern on paper and attach it to felt.

Then cut the hearts out of felt. Scissors should be sharp enough.

Now we cut out two identical rectangles from red felt. The dimensions of the rectangles are equal to the size of the phone plus half a centimeter on each side for seams. That is, in my case, one rectangle has dimensions 13cm * 7cm. Do not forget about the height of the phone, it will also take on part of the fabric. But do not add too much material to the seams. Otherwise, the phone will not be held in a case.

Now let's sew the hearts to the case. We will sew on with contrasting threads so that the seam is visible. In this case, it will be noticeable that this is manual work. Of course, you can take the threads in tone, but the effect will be completely different. In general, you choose, because this is the creation of your hands.
I took orange threads, contrasting for the color of the case, but matching in color with one of the hearts.

We place the largest heart on one of the triangles and sew the applique to the fabric.

Next, sequentially sew the remaining two hearts on top of the first.

We sew two rectangles with a buttonhole. Below is a schematic drawing of this type of seam.

You need to go with a needle and thread around the entire perimeter of the cover. Including, where the cover remains unstitched. This will complete the product.

Everything, the cover is ready! You did a great job!

I wish you not to stop there and continue to experiment!


Watch the video: How to make phone case. felt cover for smart phone. HandiWorks #46 (October 2024).