Tree with roses


Good afternoon. Not long ago I bought plastic bags for garbage, it turned out that they come in different colors, not only gray. So I thought that such multi-colored bags can be used not only for direct use, they can also be used to make a beautiful decorative tree with roses. And how to do this, I will now show and tell. For this we need:
- Wire (aluminum).
- Nippers.
- The newspaper.
- Glue stick.
- Scissors.
- Paint, brush.
- The pot.
- Plaster or cement.
- Polyethylene multi-colored bags.
So, let's begin. Take the wire, with the help of wire cutters we cut the desired length, I got a length of 25 centimeters, such wire segments need 8 pieces. Then we take newspaper strips 2-3 cm wide, which I previously cut and wrap a piece of wire, fix the tip with glue. We put the wire on the strip at an angle of 45% degree.

Only 4-5 centimeters of wire do not need to be wrapped with a newspaper, then fill these ends with cement. So do with all the segments.

We add the segments together and fasten them with another segment. This will be the base of the tree.

Let us lay aside the foundation of our tree for a short while, we will dilute the solution of gypsum or cement and pour it into the pot. Then we take a tree trunk and bend the wire in the place where our newspaper is not pasted, this is necessary so that the tree sits firmly. Everything, we plant a tree.

When the solution in the pot hardens, you can straighten the twigs exactly as you need.

We need to add small branches, for this we need newspaper tubes. We take a strip, a knitting needle and wrap a strip on a knitting needle, do not forget to glue the tip with glue. We take out the needle and get a tube.

Then we cut this tube into pieces of different lengths and glue them to large branches of a tree. You can glue it in two ways, you can just bend the twig, or you can make it so that the joint is not visible, take a newspaper strip 0.5 cm wide, and the length that you need and wind it on the joint, grease the tip with glue. I admit honestly, I glued both the first method and the second, the second method is better. Thus, glue all the small twigs. How many such branches are needed? As much as you want, but the more such branches, the more flowers you will have on the tree.

Everything, all branches in place, now paint the tree brown. If necessary, then paint it a second time.

While the paint is drying, take multi-colored plastic bags and cut off the top of them 5 centimeters wide. We take the top of the bag because polyethylene is double there and roses will better keep their shape.

All these strips will go to flowers, except for green ones. It will be leaves, but more on that later. We take one strip and cut out the petals of it for the future rose.

How to make a rose, I will show on a skewer. We take a skewer, wrap the first petal on it, the lower edge of the petal must first be greased with glue.

We take the second petal, also grease the edge with glue and overlap it on the first, then straighten the edges of the second petal.

We do exactly the same with all the petals. The more petals, the more magnificent your rose will be.

In the same way we make flowers on tree branches.

Flowers stuck, you can do a pot, we will do grass. Take a strip of green 5 cm wide, fold it several times and make a fringe along the edge of the strip.

Now turn the strip into a tube. We get grass, which we "plant" in the pot, we fill with grass all the space in the pot.

If desired, you can decorate the pot, for example with sequins.

That's what we got.

The tree is almost ready, just not enough green leaves on the branches. Again we take green polyethylene and cut from it squares 4x4 centimeters in size and collapse them in this way.

Grease the corner of the leaf with glue and glue it to the branches. The remaining leaves are folded in the same way. Glue them in a chaotic manner. After the glue dries, you need to slightly spread the leaves. Our decorative tree with roses is ready.

Create, show your imagination and you will surely get beautiful and unusual crafts from ordinary things.


Watch the video: Cottage Farms 36" Peach Rose Patio Tree with Jacque Gonzales (January 2025).