In order to make dreams come true, you do not need to have seven spans in the forehead. The simplest set of tools and plywood will help to make an excellent two-story garage with a trestle lift. Any boy will be interested in such a toy, as well as the process of its creation, in which you can fully participate.
Shoveled a lot of information on how to build a toy garage, except for building a regular house with a roof there is nothing. Therefore, experience shows that the best garage is the one that is built and designed independently. Having thought over all the details and built the drawing, we got a really interesting garage model, and the work took no more than three hours.
To make a toy garage, you will need components such as:
• plywood sheet (0.3 cm);
• PVA glue;
• jigsaw;
• natfil;
• sandpaper;
• ruler;
• pencil.
We conditionally divide all the work into three stages: building a drawing, cutting parts from plywood, collecting the finished structure. In order not to paint for a long time what’s what, I propose to print the drawing that I have proposed, on which all dimensions are applied, as well as the number of parts. Looking at the drawings, it may seem that the work ahead is complicated, but in fact everything is as easy as shelling pears, and you will see this after you start collecting the garage.
The first stage - transferring the drawing to plywood
Armed with a ruler and a pencil, you need to transfer the existing drawing of parts to the work surface - plywood. To do this, by measuring the length and width indicated in the drawing, you need to build a similar one on plywood. It is not necessary to place the parts too close to each other, because in order to save material, an incident can occur - when cutting, plywood can break in the most inappropriate place. After all the details are ready, you can proceed to the second stage - cutting them out.
The second stage - cutting parts
In order to cut out exactly all the available parts, you need to use a wood jigsaw. Whoever has an electric jigsaw, this procedure generally takes several minutes. If such a miracle of technology is not at hand, a conventional jigsaw is quite suitable for work. It is worth noting that before starting work, plywood should be laid down at room temperature and low humidity so that the edges do not spill, and the cutting is softer. First you need to cut out the largest parts: the bottom, roof and side parts. After that, you can go to the smaller details, carefully cutting them out.
First of all, parts are cut out, and then holes are made in them, which will be needed for joints and joining of all parts.
After all the parts are ready, you need to process their edges. To do this, we fix each detail in a vice and cut the edges with a file.
This procedure is very important, since the child during the game should not get hurt or get a splinter from the raw edges of the material.
The third stage - collecting the garage
We will do the work sequentially, and if there are any "incomprehensions" in the explanation, then we can turn to the photograph, where it is clearly seen what’s what.
1. We will need details such as the front of the second floor and the platform. We take PVA glue and grease the gaps so that it is possible to glue the parts, having previously connected them.
2. After that, we install partitions that serve as walls that divide the garage for individual cars.
3. Next, take the right side part and glue it to the lower front wall of the garage. Then you can combine the two previous parts, resulting in a body.
4. When the first floor is completely assembled, having installed all the details, you need to do the lifting. To do this, in parallel to the right side part we install the same part, closing them over the partitions, not forgetting to coat well with glue.
The final stage is the gluing of the roof and the lowest bridge
If the description seems complicated, the photos will tell you the way out, showing in more detail what to fix. When the glue dries well, you can give your child a garage for games. Such a toy will delight absolutely any boy, and will help parents to accustom their child to order. Here is the result.