Master class for children


Children really like paper crafts - it’s affordable, easy, beautiful. You can work with cardboard, smooth or corrugated colored paper, newspapers, napkins. Another interesting option is a colorful color magazine. From its pages you can make bright and colorful crafts or blanks for them, for example, straws / straws.
Paper straws
In many hypermarkets, buyers are offered free catalogs of promotional products.

Magazines or individual pages with discount information are full of colorful photographs. They are relevant only for a week or two, then they become useless. Paper in such publications is thin and easy to curl.

For crafts, straws of different lengths and thicknesses may come in handy. Therefore, you need to twist the tubes according to the format of the future crafts.

The longest straw (44-45 cm) is obtained using a full magazine spread, i.e. two pages at once. If twisting is not very tight, then the tube will be thicker and softer. From one whole page of the magazine a straw is obtained with a length of 33-32 cm. A short (21-22 cm) can be made if you cut such a page across into two parts. The shorter the straw, the easier it is to twist.

Twisting paper straws without knitting needles and pencils
For the manufacture of paper tubes, you can use thick and thin knitting needles, pens, pencils, smooth sticks, winding multi-colored sheets of paper on them. So the straws are hollow inside. But the length of a pencil or knitting needle may not be enough, and they will be lost inside a rolled up roll. You can make a paper straw without the help of additional items. It is necessary to start working from the corner so that the paper does not jam, but runs in a straight line. Having slightly moistened your fingers, you need to grab the corner of the page and, holding it in your hands, evenly and accurately fold. You need to move diagonally, heading towards the opposite corner.

Sometimes magazines with glazed paper come across. Drawings on them are more colorful and beautiful. But such sheets can be harder to roll because they slide. If the paper is stubborn and does not curl well, it must be moistened. Strong watering is not necessary, because it can break. It is enough to wipe the sheet with a damp sponge or sprinkle with water from a spray bottle. When the structure of the paper is slightly broken, it is easier to transform.
Not always the tube immediately turns tight. To tighten the twist and make the stick thinner, it is enough to roll on the table. The finished straw must be covered with the palm of your hand and, with effort, pressing to the surface, rolled several times in one direction. You can screw the tube and in the hands. When it becomes thin enough, the corner must be fixed so that the tube does not unfold. It is more convenient to do this with a small bottle of PVA glue with a sharp nose. You should not save, it is better to squeeze a little more and wrap the remaining corner. The glue dries almost immediately, leaves no residue, so its excess on paper will not be visible.

Of these multi-colored straws, various crafts can be made. Shortening them, bending or cutting them into small pieces, you can invent and create different gift cards. These are children's masterpieces that can be obtained from paper tubes.

The straws collected in a vase with a bouquet and complemented by other decorative elements look beautiful.


Watch the video: Illustration Master Class in Watercolour - Pandora Children's Book Page (October 2024).