100W TDA7294 Simple Amplifier


There are a lot of varieties of budget amplifiers and this is one of them. The circuit is very simple and contains only one chip, several resistors and capacitors. The characteristics of the amplifier are quite serious, at such an insignificant cost. Output power reaches 100 watts at maximum power. Absolutely pure output is 70 watts.

Amplifier specifications

More detailed specifications of the amplifier on the TDA7294:
  • Bipolar power supply with a midpoint from 12 to 40 V.
  • F out. - 20-20000 Hz
  • R o Max. (power + - 40V, Rn = 8 Ohms) - 100 watts.
  • R o Max. (power + - 35V, Rn = 4 Ohms) - 100 watts.
  • To the garm. (Exp. = 0.7 P max.) - 0.1%.
  • Uin - 700 mV.

The TDA7294 chip is cheap and costs a penny, I bought it - HERE.

Amplifier circuit on TDA7294

Such amplifiers work well in pairs, so make two of them and you get a simple stereo amplifier. More detailed characteristics of the amplifier and switching schemes can be found in the datasheet on the TDA7294 chip.
It is advisable to choose a power supply for the amplifier one and a half times more powerful, so keep in mind.

Amplifier circuit board

Figure layout elements:

Download to the board in lay format:
plata.zip 16.13 Kb (downloads: 1272)

When printing, set the scale to 70%.

Ready amplifier

The chip must be installed on a radiator, preferably with a fan, since it will be smaller in size. Making a circuit board is not necessary. You can take a breadboard with a lot of holes and assemble the amplifier in about 30 minutes.
I advise you to assemble such a simple amplifier that has proven itself perfectly.

Power Supply

The power supply is full according to the classical scheme with a transformer of 150 watts. I recommend taking a transformer with a ring core, as it is more powerful, smaller and emits a minimum of network noise and electromagnetic background of alternating voltage. The filter capacitors of each arm are 10,000 uF.

Build your amplifier and see you soon!


Watch the video: TDA7294 Amplifier 100w Subwoofer, at home made (January 2025).