Brick and Cement Idea: Heated Outdoor Table


In this review, the author shows the manufacturing process of a heated outdoor coffee table.

The table itself is made of brick and cement. The technology is very simple - everyone will repeat without problems.

In the center of the table there is a recess in which you can place a basket with coals, and on top is placed dishes with tea or coffee.

Also in the central depression you can simply plant some beautiful flower. It looks original.

The main stages of work

We take an old plastic basin, and we expose five bricks vertically inside.

Then we fill the bricks in the basin with wet sand - to the desired level. The sand will need to be carefully tamped.

At the next stage, it will be necessary to prepare concrete and cement-sand mortar.

First, pour a small layer of cement-sand mortar onto a sand cushion. We put pieces of metal mesh into it.

Then we pour the concrete mixture to the very top of the bricks. Level the surface with a trowel. The author pours a bit of concrete into a depression in the center.

Leave for a day until the concrete mortar hardens. Gently turn the basin so that you can extract the contents from it. We clean the coffee table from the sand.

At the last stage, it remains only to polish the top of the table (countertop) and paint.

For details on how to make a heated street table with your own hands from brick and cement, see this video.


Watch the video: Making a table top FIRE PIT (October 2024).