Paper swan box


A box in the shape of a swan, folded from a sheet of paper, can become a decoration for a children's holiday table. In it you can file any candy or nuts. Preparing to decorate the table and make such a crust will be interesting with the children.

To make it, you will need a square sheet of paper, the size of which will also determine the final size of the box.

Fold the sheet diagonally.

Then you need to fold the paper in the other direction also diagonally. Expand the sheet.

Now bend the bottom corner of the square to the midline, forming a fold in the form of a triangle.

We do the same with the upper corner, placing it symmetrically to the previous one.

We turn the blank of the future swan to the other side and at the same time rotate it 90 degrees.

The bottom corner is bent to the top.

We unfold the workpiece on the other side.

We bend the left fold and give it the shape of a triangle.

Do the same with the right fold.

Turn the workpiece 180 degrees.

We bend its upper corner.

Now it is required to bend the lower corner of the rhombus to the intended fold line.

Bend a little corner, it will be the head of our swan.

Fold the workpiece in half lengthwise.

We bend the upper part (approximately at a right angle), so we form the neck of the swan.

Now bend the top corner, creating the head of our future swan.

For stability of the figure in the lower part it is necessary to make bends from two sides.

Now our swan can stand.

Let's start to give an elegant look to the tail of the bird. To do this, on one of the halves we make a fold in the form of a rhombus.

Then we bend the edges of the resulting rhombus to the middle.

We unfold and form folds at the intended folds.

Do the same on the other side of the tail. Our paper swan box is ready.


Watch the video: Love Swan Box Origami Instructions Tadashi Mori (January 2025).